
Fri, 11/02/2012 - 20:26 -- chagan


United States
42° 15' 10.0044" N, 71° 7' 47.9928" W

Snatched from death, taken from the light
All-consuming illumination of the hopeful and hopeless with the
Weight of the taker crushing the cage of souls
Regardless of distinctions pressed upon individuals by collectivity

Everyone wishes to become weightless with the clouds, yet some holding
Philosophy above humanity, relaying the weakness of more synapses,
Answer to the beautiful deceiver

What will they see with this new breed of angel
Already too blinded to see the betrayer
They see the weaved laurels of one willing to accept their
Sanguinary hands with his own
Even with their murders, the traitor will take their fragmented souls to complete his
Mural of splintered souls
Counteracting the Greatest Sin


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