Spiral Bound Love
I have many universes in my hands
They go beyond the limitations of this concrete world
My hands instead hold countless worlds crafted by graphite and sweat
And time spent hunched over pages of a portal to infinite places
This underrated portal is disguised by a
Dog eared
Thin cardboard cover
And this underrated portal takes me
To places beyond this concrete world
It is the closest I can get to the imaginary places in the heart of my dreams
And the farthest I can get from concrete problems
Because they can’t be effaced with the simple swipe of an eraser
I cannot bare a millisecond in a concrete world without portals of imagination
My spiral bound love is one that one cannot get
Without the smudges of graphite and sweat
It is the joy of transforming thoughts into paragraphs
And paragraphs into tales of infinite universes
That could save concrete people from concrete problems
You may laugh when I say
I have many universes in my hands
But without the words that fill the rivers
And build the skyscrapers
In my abstract universes
There is no life in the world in which I write them
I not only live for the smudged pages of my dog eared portal
But for the idea of creativity and the freedom of writing