Spice it Up

I like to think of my future self
As a hot housewife who radiates sex
Until she seems to burn and simmer
Lounging across the dinner room table
Stark naked
Holding a can of whipped cream
Saying, ”Hey, Honey, look what I made for dinner,”

But somehow I know that won’t be me
There will be
Too many storybooks to read
Too many dishes to wash
Too many clothes to clean
By the end of the day
All I’ll want to do is catch up on sleep
I desperately need

But where has the romance gone,
Passion that leaves you weak in the knees and dizzy?
Does that recede with the wave of hormones
That engulf every adolescent
Or is it simply not as enticing
When you’re no longer being drilled
With the “stay abstinent” lesson

I don’t know about you
But today’s divorce rates scare me
I believe the culprit is lack of intimacy
I’m not just talking about the physical
Let’s not focus purely on the sexual
But the equally as crucial
Mental and emotional

Once you’ve slipped the ring on
I don’t doubt you’ve explored
Every dusty corner of their heart
The words, “I love you,” are no stranger to your lips
But over the years
Where you end up is never where you start

We like to think our parents are the best models
So experienced, so mature
But love is inevitably subject to change
Since it is a living breathing creature

What was once a sensual glance
A fluttering pulse
Is now a soft and steady
Marathon romance

Often daily life erodes their vows
The pieces drift apart
Vines of bitterness
Strangle the heart

Now you know as well as me
I haven’t got all the answers
Hell I’m only fifteen!
But one day discovering
Sustainable infatuation
Will lead me to a marriage
That is anything but routine


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