Mirror dejects its reflection.
Rusting, entity’s physical deterioration.
A soul emerges from the ashes.
Memories surfacing with agony; knives slash.
Peeling layers of defense; impacting, undone.
Unfinished business; a yearning for home.
Traveling through the mind, discovering an absence of love.
Emotions awaken as a realization of something being wrong.
Heart’s, ice cold, preventing the need to remember.
All yet everything of emotional chaos melts coming to a simmer.
Home calling and the soul continuing on its mission.
Unfulfilled, searching for completion.
Destination reached; traumatic effect infringes the mind.
Memories overwhelm the soul reliving “lost” time.
Him, the unrequited; the source of her pain.
Her love blossomed with purity and hope, but all in vain.
Quietly suffering and no one noticed.
Withering to nothing.
Dying with his name on her lips.
Now, in his presence, he still doesn’t acknowledge.
Refusing to move on until he closes the book.
Not realizing that its been over; she has to do the same.
Remaining “unfinished”.
Her longing soul as she tries to make his heart her home.