The Spectacular Spider-Man
The supervillain named Kraven the Hunter has kidnapped three people and will release them if Spider-Man beats him in a fight;
Spider-Man always does what's right.
When Peter Parker hears the news of what Kraven has done, he changes into Spider-Man and I'm speaking truthfully;
Spider-Man is the most popular superhero and always will be.
While swinging through the air, Spidey uses his spider-sense to find Kraven and I'm speaking honestly;
When Spidey finds Kraven, Kraven sees him and leaps to attack Spidey, as you can see.
Spider-Man jumps up and kicks Kraven in the face, which is cool;
When Kraven falls down, Spider-Man spins a web on that fool.
Kraven is unable to break out of Spidey's web because he made his webbing super hard;
Kraven is full of insanity and lard.
Spider-Man releases the kidnapped people and calls the police, which is smart;
Kraven will always have sin in his heart.
When the police arrive to arrest Kraven, Spider-Man swings away;
The spectacular Spider-Man saves the day.