Sorry to the youth ones
A story never told is just Blank pages with possibilities
Causing the mind to begin racing, Ripping and Raving
Searching for an answer, amongst so many confusions
Today or Tomorrow, Tomorrow or Today?
If life is lived day by day there are no aspirations for a future
Plan ahead, no aspirations has a youth one
Hard work, Work hard a difference amongst words
That ball we live in makes my brain explode
Complications, contractions, confusion
The voice stuck inside fighting against the illusions
No answers, no guides, a monster standing alive
Hopes, dreams, desires now a craving
Sorry to the youth ones.
Eyes shut tight begging for a new one
Drops of tears hittin the ground
Like soldiers huddling in the dark cold night
No bucket, no pale, no sign of hope anywhere
Sorry to the Youth ones.
Creation, dedication, expectations
the youth one an endangered species
Fighting for survival
Natural Selection
No aid, no clues, no future to withold?
The youth ones are an endangered species
The pity, the shame, the desire for change
A tribe so disconnected but some entwined
Faking its amazing
The youth one is a camouflage
Slowly they fall. Slowly they rise
An endangered species, they are at times
Sorry to youth ones!