Sonnet of Love

Sonnet of Love

My love, my love how intriguing is my love
The woman of my dreams stands gracefully before me
Oh how she holds my heart captive with her invisible glove
Can’t help but go against a whisper and shout with glee
For she can turn any brute into a sensual man
Pure as white flower petals basking in Heaven's sunlight
Oh how she dazzles me like the sun glistening off the San (river in central Europe)
She wears her beauty as bare as the moon in the darkest of night
Clever as a four leaf clover hides from any commotion
For only the lucky to pluck her free from her roots that grip the soil
Unwilling to set her heart out on just any man with one notion
I am lucky to be the one under which she opened her tight knit coil.
She lay unraveled before me, caressing my heart softly and sweetly.
The reality of her head on my chest released the butterflies ever so fleetingly.


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