Songs of life

Ecclesiastes 1:9 

What exists now is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done;
there is nothing truly new on earth.


Songs of life


Is life a song … that has been sung before?

With a refrain hummed in repetition

A verse here and there with a different tone

composed in part by malnutrition


A melody sung from afar

and played by someone else

I know the words composed by strife,

nothing new within myself


All the songs and all the lyrics        

I lived before in someone else

It seems so strange … but it is for certain,

that no new songs are sung out there


In the news from day to day

nothing new shows under the sun

All things that are … have been before

so search in Truth before the day is done


Jan Wienen


This poem is about: 
Our world


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