Sometimes You Have to Use Profanity to Explain this Countries Insanity
Sometimes You Have to Use Profanity to Explain this Countries Insanity
God bless America more like fucked by America.
We’re all taught in school about America the free, America the brave,
but less so about America the racist, America the sexist and America the blatantly homophobic.
You see in the content section of my American history textbook, you can find chapters on women's suffrage, the civil rights movement and the marriage equality act.
Yet crazy enough they have written in end dates, so I’d like to provide the writers with some facts.
A white man is fifty percent less likely to be shot by the police than someone black,
A woman's chance of being raped is one in five,
pause and think about that.
Forty percent of homeless youth is LGBT, so it doesn’t look like equality exists- at least not to me.
You see society likes to paint pretty pictures over this country's foundation filled and built with injustice.
Wrap oppression with pretty wrapping paper and give it new names, such as the religious freedom restoration act, stop and frisk or the pro-life movement.
It’s become common to treat disagreements in politics like disagreeing over which ice cream flavor you like.
But you see the act of political pacifism is a trait only affordable by the privileged.
And even worse, so act of ignoring social policies for economic ones is like holding a smoking gun in your hand.
There's no such thing as a separation between fiscal and social policy,
The top one percent is ninety six percent white and ninety eight percent male
So try and convince me there's an equal playing field, I think you will fail.
Everytime you vote or don't vote you're putting human lives on the line
And I’d say the recent election results show this country is light years away from being fine.
You see recently instead of just wrapping oppression America has made it completely commercialized.
Cause fear sells and it’s easier to blame others for our problems especially those already marginalized.
In our president's first week in office he’s already signed an anti-abortion act and muslim immigration ban, there is nothing confusing about his plans.
Our country elected a man who said he liked to grab women by the pussy on a recorded tape so if you voted for trump you voted you were okay with rape.
This stuff affects my life, and so many others so I’m gonna call it like it is, I’m getting fucked by America almost everyone is.
I like to think that America is undereducated causing them to vote un-smart, as opposed to thinking our country doesn't have a heart.
Realize your privilege, realize your oppression and dream but more importantly fight.
Were surrounded by a lot of darkness now, but you have the power to turn on the light.
The power is in the people, read, strive to understand and vote.
Lots of people are getting fucked by America, so make a change call your representatives or write them a note.