Someone Who Took the Time to Care
You’ve known me for such a long time
Seems like you’ve been helping me forever
You have seen me at my very worst
Seems like you should’ve given up
You have seen me at my very best
Seems like it’s been too rough a road
You’ve helped me reach my goals
Seems unbelievable and impossible
A little girl with the odds stacked against her
A girl whose life is completely upside down
But someone stepped in and said hold it
Someone took an interest in the little girl
This person helped her through many things
Even when the little girl threw tantrums
This person stayed by her side
Even when she was difficult to handle
When the girl’s mom was at her wit’s end
Someone was there to help fix things
When the girl only seemed to get worse
Someone went out of their way to aide her
When the girl hurt her mom and brother
Someone made sure everyone was safe
When the options to help the girl were limited
Someone found for all around healing
The girl has grown up and she’s not little anymore
But that someone still cares about her
The girl still struggles with being normal
But that someone gives her tools to cope
The girl has roadblocks she sets in her path
But that someone helps her tackle them
The girl sabotages herself over and over
But that someone keeps encouraging her
The girl can think clearly and opens up more
She trusts this person and feels safe enough
The girl sometimes feels defensive of herself and her actions
But that someone helps break those defenses down
The girl is so grateful for everything that someone has done
She knows most people would have just quit
The girl is confident in her ability to conquer all
But she wouldn’t have that without someone
This someone has a name and knows this is for her
And the little girl now a young woman is me
This poem is to serve as a reminder
To me and to someone that certain people
Special people can make all the difference
So to someone who believed(believes) in me
Thanks for not giving up on me which would’ve been easier
I will never forget what you’ve done for me and my family
Lots of love from the Hartmans especially from Me
This wonderfully blessed Christmas Season
My gift to you may not be all fancy
But I hope it means as much to you as you mean to us
I hope I’ve successfully conveyed my gratitude through this poem
Giving someone the gift of appreciation is the greatest feeling