some teens dont have
some teens dont have
multiple game consoles and mobile devices
some teens dont have
enough clothes to wear a different outift everyday
some teens dont have
bucketfuls of art supplies
some teens dont have
enough food to eat at home
some teens dont have
an amazing partner to support them
some teens dont have
such a large unique and supportive family
some teens dont have
inate athletic ability
some teens dont have
a roof over their head
some teens dont have
access to running water
some teens dont have
a computer to complete their assignments
some teens dont have
good supportive loving friends
some teens dont have
long beautiful hair
some teens dont have
the luxury of complaining about their parents
some teens dont have
the luxury of choosing not to eat whats served
some teens dont have
their own room to go hide in when they are upset
some teens dont have
sanitary products when they need them
some teens dont have
the ability to receive medical care
some teens dont have
the ability to complain about not having a social life
some teens dont have
all the luxuries that i have and thats what im thankful for this thanksgiving season