For some enchanted evenings...

Sun, 08/11/2024 - 14:20 -- ts735b

The following scenario imagined

after the hoopla of

Democratic National Convention miracle workers
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz
trumpeted politically wholesome zeal,
and achieved advancement
propelling them ahead
in the race to the White House.

Unlike the hangdog expression of Eeyore
the current vice president of the United States
linkedin with governor of Minnesota
woke the electorate and victory they did score.

The donkey brays

with hearty "hee-haw" sound
finding formerly grim predictions

as foregone conclusion
reversing what appeared

as a near landslide victory
for the party where pachyderm

characterized as mascot

Fiery rhetoric mobilized populace
unlike former lackluster candidate,

a common Joe - just Biden his time
foretelling a horrid and gloomy fate
championed courtesy overstuffed

ego freezing ingrate
donning trappings of narcissism,
he didst "Libidinally" luxuriate

lacking honorable communication skills to orate

glibly dripping savage machismo sore loser

mean mien patron of vile hint

said unnamed contestant doth remonstrate

accompanied with sax, and violins

and fiendish banshees that ululate.


We will not go back

to the a bomb bin able Flintstone days of yore

bubba's zayda's bubba's zayda to the nth power,

where tyrannical patriarchal misogynistic jack

of all trades and master of none

played knick knack paddy whack.


If thee dear reader a childless female
litter really say yes
to being a weird fraidy cat lady
cheeses crust, especially even trounced
courtesy mouse a lean knee.


For those whose re: productive years
lie in the future,
the world is your oyster

and for those about to rock, we salute you
government houses golden opportunities,
a veritable unexplored treasure trove
potentially pitting thee untested newbie,
whether young lad or lass
into metaphorical formidable no man's land,

a danger zone barred against fairer sex,
or really anybody not battle tested,

yet with adequate trappings,

one can garner access
to trespass into territory
bound by razor wire
with signs stating “keep out”
(all the more reason to enter)
verboten off limits barred regions,
where the wild things are
don't be deterred to brave war zone
ringed with hot pockets

of intense mortal kombat,

where absolute zero odds as survivor

against brutal and nasty onslaught.


A similar probability stacked

against likelihood the forty sixth president

would clinch the nomination

to serve a second term

as the oldest commander in chief

since Kamala Harris
now holds strong sway
surpassing in popularity the oaf,

cuz a cutthroat villain Trump doth portray,

which tactics incorporate aspersions

toward opposition his trademark vituperation

likened to blowhard sore loser,
a proxy war of misinformation

his dom minions submissively inveigh

bully me, whereby

sowing seeds of insurrection

supposed to make America great again
as patriarchal White Anglo Saxon domain

turning back figurative clock
on socially progressive headway

presently allowing, enabling, and providing

life, liberty and pursuit of happiness

to bank nest egg upon advent
when shades of gray

pepper combed over coiffed hair
or periwig donned faux virility to display.



This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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