A Solilquy to the Lost and the Forgotten
A million breaths
in short succession, ten thousand
sounds uttered at once through
guttural pauses, my heart nearly jumping
into the abyss within. The ball drops and
I can hear it smashing into crystal
shards, thin daggers into a heart so pure
it could not feel the wind rushing against
its face ahead, the basin of wonderment
that passed on by.
The seasons became a succession
of words. Months blurred into singular orbs
of memories that lasted a century or a second
at a time. Only seventeen years were forgotten
in a moment, their laughter preserved in amber
encircled by the jade pendant that lay against
my bare breasts under the shower stream.
My breath clouded the wind as I took a glance
into the winter night sky. There were hawks
beyond the moonlight, shadows flying into night
and falling just short of the hallows. I spied an emblem
of the eve, and the wonderment returned of the
lost seconds that disappeared into silver droplets.
Enough seconds to pass a lifetime of a small
unborn child, blood tarnishing the ground in metallic
nectar, a mother's wailing cries into a crowded bus
where only cameras faced away from her battered face
as she moaned into her lost son's sleeve.
To have witnessed a yellow sky while dimples
were shunned away from tightrope stretched skin
so tight it could hardly even breathe. Eyes squeezed
shut to block away the ringing of the darts into the air,
except they were not darts but bullets so fast they
were gone before they arrived.
It was a time of change, when sleeves were shared
among friends and time was cherished more than faith
could ever show, when daughters were bound by
invisible strings to dance away and the time ticking
away faster than a beating heart tapping away at the life
line left to hand above the heads of those who lived.
When enough were around to hear the sounds
scuttling underbrush, to witness the continuum of
darkened voices arrived, to hear within shattered tones
the songs they sang before they too retreated away,
but not before leaving behind a forgotten lyric of a
time not quite lost anymore.