The Soft Whisper
The Soft Whisper
Stranded, alone and terrified I remain
Day after day it seems like I will go insane.
I do not know why I woke up today,
What is my purpose, why do I stay?
Why do I stay on this Earth, what is there left for me?
I contemplate life because everyday it becomes a little harder to understand the fee.
The fee. That’s it I remember why I’m here.
I open my eyes and something starts to relieve this fear.
I get chills down my spine as I remember why.
Remember why Christ died for my
SINS. Sins that were bloody and unforgivable.
Every piece of evidence told me this was not permissible.
Why did He do it? To give me life.
So that someday I could have a husband and no strifes.
A whisper in my ear once told me
That I was alone and I was empty.
That I had no hope and no one could hear my moans.
The only thing I longed for was for my Father to take me home.
A softer whisper spoke.
And I was provoked.
Captivated by the words that it said.
The voice told me I was not meant to be dead.
I am supposed to be here doing God’s work.
Saving souls everyday in the midst of this war.
I am supposed to be here I say,
And in the blink of an eye, I’m ready for the day.