soft love
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
I’m not excited
I didn’t miss her
Okay, I did
When you see someone everyday
It’s natural to miss them when they’re gone
Arms wrapped around her
I don’t want to echo the gesture
I’m cold
I hate hugs
It would be weird if I did
What I wouldn’t do to know what her hugs feel like
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
Keep your head straight
Keep your head up
Don’t lean into her lap
She’s so comfy
Her hands in my hair
So zen
I should sit straight
She must think it weird
But I have no thoughts
So zen
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
It’s all in my head
It must be
I shouldn’t have daydreams about her
But why is she so worried
What I wouldn’t do to comfort her
Arms wrapped tight around her
Why didn’t I hug her sooner
Everything stops
No bad
No frustrating
Just her
The dowser closes but I don’t care
Kiss her on the forehead
I can’t
I can’t
I can’t
That’s not how she thinks of me
We’re just friends
We have to work together
We can’t
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
This isn’t happening
It’s not what I think
I’m dreaming
I’m living what I dreamed
Who knows how much time passes
There are no nerves
There are no thoughts
There’s only comfort and ease
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
The way she laughs
The way she smiles
The way her eyes sparkle in the sun
I’ve never felt so many butterflies as with her
What is tugging in my gut
I love her
It’s too soon
It’ll freak her out
She’s not ready to hear it
But that’s definitely it
I love her
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
She’s got that same look on her face
The one that reveals she’s thinking
There’s something on her mind
She’s going to break up with me
“It’s hard”
“I know”
Let the smile break through
She loves me too
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
I fall further in love with her
Every single day
I love hearing her voice
I love seeing her smile
I love learning new things
She keeps me grounded
She keeps me calm
She keeps me motivated
She keeps my heart
I love you.