
The society I live in,

Is not the same society you live in,

I die for the moment,

 That you continue to live in,

Should I,

Me, who seem to be misunderstood,

Take a stand?

For something that I don’t understand,

Or fall for corruptness,

Beneath the minds under man,

 I demand,

 My happiness, I hope that don’t,

Go undermanned,


 It seem to me,

That I can’t stand:

For the things people fall short of,

What do I stand for?

That’s something I never thought of,


Well, I am standing under this tree,

One as beautiful as me!

Oh what a beautiful sight you should see,

Unlike the society it seems to be,

NOTHING is as beautiful as me!




My favorite part of this poem was being able to have help from a friend that helped me write this wonderful poem.

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