Social Mask
Most days the smile that remains plastered on my face
Is only a skilled façade at best
And I fear that my inner self may break through
And cause me to fail my daily test.
It’s as if I am hiding behind a one way mirror
And my true self cowers behind a glass
Looking out to see my surroundings daily
From hall to hall and class to class
Because high school is just a masquerade
And we all just crave to fit in
Hiding behind whatever we can
As if being ourselves is a sin
The path to who I truly am is blocked by a veil
Nothing but a white toothed grin matched with a jolly mask
Because if I ever let a soul knew what was going on inside
I’m afraid it would be their pity, where I would bask
Yet this veil grows heavy
And my bones ache to let some of my true self free
Enamored with the idea that
Maybe releasing these bottled bits of personality would show the real me
The person I display is merely an act
Because I’m afraid of what they’d say if I liked rock instead of rap
I display a stereotype that is pleasing to most
I’ve failed at originality and given in to a social trap.