Social Craze
Social distancing
Going crazy
Even the introverts
Are being affected now
When will this end
Why did this begin
How ddi this begin
Looking around, everywhere's a ghost town
Looking around, there's no one in sight
So many masks
It's normal now, the masks
Will this be the norm?
Part of a fashion sense?
We stopped
Making amazing things
The world is on pause
No more cars on the road
No more students in the classroom
The American Gothic
The virus has spread
The virus has been contained
The virus is everywhere
Yet nowhere
Is this to make overpopulation no longer a problem?
Are we dying because the government wants us to?
The land of the free
Where discrimination and hate and viruses run loose
The land of the free
Where Black Lives Matter
Needs to be a thing
Viruses have brought to light
What's wrong with America
Low wages
Can't afford health care
Many more getting sick
No more getting sick
When will this end?
Will this be our future?
Everything online?
Are we going to be
What they warned us about?
Bringing to light what needs to change.
A virus, for good or bad
Overpopulation is no longer a problem
What is the government going to do
About the healthcare and way too low wages
Wages we can't live on
What is the government going to do now