Benign snowfall acts as a reminder,
Of the months that have elapsed;
Falling softly, directed by the breeze,
And tender in its tracks.
A year before it became a symbol - a mascot of two hearts:
The accompaniment to early days,
And the union of two paths.
The eerie silence that now arrives,
Is melancholic in its way.
Requiring unattached reflection,
To keep longing thoughts at bay.
The flakes continue to drift in,
And bring with them unease.
Memories, emotions,
Of a doomed desire to please.
Just as the winter passes,
Connection does this too.
What once was referred to as “us”
Has become just “me” and “you”.
Clouded over like the sky,
A mind lost to the past.
Pensive momentarily...
No longer the role cast.