I don’t think we ever come to understand our greater importance in this ___ world.
we believe our lives are so trivial compared to everything else, when really our lives are just being compared to the things
smaller than us .
the detours are in the details;
the reddish-orange on an orioles’ wing the way it flaps however many beats per second . or the way clouds change and mesmerize do they swirl in patterns, or was it planned ?
we think we are so small and we are .
we choose to look at minor details in the ‘greater concept’ of life in the universe,
spent in the universe, at this time .
we don’t look into the details of a ‘life-force’ itself to determine its awesomeness . it’s awesome because it’s there .
if we compare ourselves to other things,
and then from there
determine that we are inferior by comparison,
are we, only by submission ?