slice of lives
A day of joy was for all
From the past days of toils
A happy day it was for him
Seeing her and shake handsin fear
Joy others had
Parading parades with screams
Afraid was she giving the speech
Screams got she finally from some pride seeker
Finally the winners announced
Receiving it with glee
He met her
Sad was she
On the scolds she got
He tried to console
Crowds near on cheer
And others near watching the two
He having a little something for her to give
Sparkled her eyes on sight of it
Frightened was she to receive it
She was called by someone
Back of them
He too was feared
But had a bit of courage
And she was on a hurry to leave
On the sadness of screams she got
Which made her face dull
Sad was he
Followed her back
Calling her
Even when distractions near
Out she went
Out went he too
Though joy was of his fellowmen
Cause of the victory they succeeded
Sad was he for failing
Sad was she too
When a time of joy near
A time of sadness follows too
Sadly they left
While his fellowmen enjoying behind