Slanted Eyes
I'm yellow, you're white,
right or wrong, my last name is Wong.
I look different you call names,
I ask why, is my skin to blame?
Set apart in the U-S of A,
I wonder to myself, "Am I ok?"
Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these!
Go ahead stare, glare, point a finger,
why not, they won't care,
Besides, it’s everywhere!
Playgrounds, schools, work,
Psst, my boss? Racist Jerk!
You see, no matter the place,
Because of my face
We can’t escape race.
We try, try to fit in, fit in,
become citizens,
“Speak English!”,
eat Kentucky Fried chicken!
Sing songs, pledge allegiance,
Oh say, can you see?
My country tis a thee,
This land is your land,
this land is my land?
However no matter what we do,
There are those, whose desire is to exclude.
This message ain't about hate,
don't get me wrong,
It’s about fate
for those born a Wong.
Can’t forget the Kims, the Chins, the Lees, or the Nguyens,
Want nothing more, treated as humans.
Trust, respect, acceptance, inclusion
Are we asking too much, to forego exclusion?
A song from the 80's, I still remember,
encapsulates what I so treasure,
I'm only human, of flesh and blood I'm made,
Born to make mistakes,
doesn’t mean, living here in this place!