Six Feet of Separation
Six Feet of Separation
29, June 2020
Have you heard that theory?
Of six-degrees of separation . . .
It says that any one person is connected by six or less people to any other person on the planet
All eight billion of us
are six people or less . . . apart
Because I know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows you
So someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, got sick
And then I got sick, and then you did too
In 2020 we don’t need the theory of six degrees of separation to know how interconnected we all really are
Now it’s six-feet of separation
And a face mask
Or a screen
Between us
Six-feet that because of those six-degrees
Will keep someone who know me, and who knows them, who in turn knows you
It means that no matter who you are, what your race, how you vote, or what you do or don’t pray to
You know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knew Breonna Taylor
The officer who killed her
It means that all of our actions matter to someone 3-6 feet
Or degrees
Like putting a small scrap of fabric over your face in public
Like looking a stranger in the eye
Like teaching your children the real history
Even when your ancestors are on the wrong side
Like checking to make sure it is the right apartment
Or asking yourself if your discomfort is really the same thing as a threat
If it really warrants a call to the police, which may be deadly for the child of someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows you
We all know Trayvon’s mom
From one to 6 feet
Or degrees
And so did the man who took him from her
Seeing the Humanity of the person six feet and six degrees away from you
Might save a life
In more ways than one
It might save you
In more than just your life
It might save your humanity too
Just six feet
And six-degrees