Sinking in the Whirlpool


I sink into a whirlpool, fears coming, is it all a tool?

They drag me down with fake resolves, I wonder, am I just a button doll?

I drop down further, in the swirlers, blind in raining waters,

Smother me and hinder me,

Aren’t they binding you to ground?


Drowning in an endless sea, finding paths in glee,

Silent oceans, oh I see, a cup of poisoned tea.

I’m falling ‘round, so help me now, pull me from the deep,

Save me from the future grief, dazzle lightless reefs.

Please, let me breathe, set me free.


Feel it spiraling and spiraling, so further from control,

Quicksand nagging, sinking down, sirens lure me now.

I try and try to turn, but they catch me every time, just as I hear clearing chimes, can I finally reach that tree of lime?


They toss me so, still soaring low, I think I’m working, but they say no, an endless struggle, I don’t know, reaching for a flimsy rope.

Air flows out my lungs, compressed against a string tight strung, I float, will I be able to gloat?


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