The Simplicity of Complexity
My people have walked
miles on end,
praying it's just around the bend.
Armies behind Us
craving to curb their vice,
As my people walk through snow and ice.
Hundreds of years
rot the clock's hand.
Yet after the inner wars
We still stand.
You slander our names.
You throw rocks at our people.
All while attempting to burn down our steeple.
Yet here we stand,
extending our hand.
Won't you release your anger?
Open your eyes!
The complexity of life
is not our demise!
Our genes and our lore
are the sole things to survive.
So open your hands, my sister.
Unclench your jaw, my brother.
I've seen this hate tear apart one another.
That's all we are.
Maybe someday you'll see
This act of love,
or simple courtesy
Can open the heart,
open the mind,
to a new ecstasy.
Hear my words
don't just listen.
My brother,
I've stood against my family for this.
New hope.
New eyes.
I've prayed for this.
Patience and love
has led them to follow.
To unite as a family
and look towards a brighter morrow.
Brothers and sisters,
bury your weapons of war.
Without their weight,
Together we can soar!
You don't have to follow.
Simply hear.
The complexity
The ecstasy
The answer of life!
Lies right here.
In the cavities of our mind,
the throbs of our hearts.
It's that we're all humans
and worthy of life.
You may cast your stones,
but I'll be right here.
For you to abandon your
cold glare.
My hand is open
My love is pure.
Simply a human.
No less.
No more.