Life is a boulder; I am a rock.
Its shadow smothers me under its intimidation.
My courage and will begins to rot.
I am insignificant.
I dismiss myself just as all the other rocks.
Nothing special, nothing precious.
I can't compare to a significance of a boulder.
It's so massive and pretentious.
But as I roll to the edge of its shadow,
a light so inviting and sky so blue,
I begin to think of the wonders of the world.
I begin to think about myself too.
Who cares if I'm just a rock?
Even if I'm such a small part of the world.
I am a piece of a whole.
I can make a difference.
I am significant.
The boulder of life begins to chip away.
My confidence begins to grow.
My whole life is out there.
I am not just a rock.
Life may have its struggles.
Chip, chip, chip.
Life may be painful.
Chip, chip, chip.
Life might be hard.
Chip, chip, chip.
But life be damned if I let it have its way.
Chip, chip, chip.
As the sun's rays hit me,
I feel all-powerful and divine.
Life doesn't control me,
I will make myself true to time.
I am the boulder; life is the rock.
I grip it in my hand, and hold it close.
I look up determined; now I call the shots.
Life shall go my way.