Sick. Tired. Trying.

I'm sick.
I'm sick of broken promises,
words spoken and broken,
just as easily as mouthes opening.
Just as easily as the enemy enters,
masked by a trojan horse,
letting toxins inside,
what walls were built to keep out,
what you've tried to avoid.


I'm sick.
I'm sick of societies judgements,
always telling me I'm not good enough,
when I already struggle with
convincing myself that I AM enough.
My body a puppet, 
preforming the actions society deems as right,
while the whole time inside I struggle,
for all I feel is societies hand up my ass
making my mouth speak the words
deemed suitable for conversation.

I'm tired. 
I'm tired of keeping feelings trapped inside,
yet there's no one that seems to understand.
My pain, my suffering,
for I wear my heart on my sleeve and as soon as I open up,
someone notices that it's there for the taking,
and rips it from me,
rips it to shreads.


I'm tired.
I'm tired of letting others unload their troubles on me,
coming to me for advice, 
yet never giving me a moment to open up to them,
so the troubles add weight,
and sometimes I consider jumping in the deep end,
because I know the tons of stories I've heard are enough,
to sink me right to the bottom,
where I'll never have to hear about pain again.

I'm trying.
I say I'm over it, I get over things easily.
But I just bottle them up and put a cork on,
til there's so much pressure building I burst.
and I cry alone not just for my own troubles,
for others that feel pain.
But I'm still trying.

I'm trying.
To stay strong with a fake smile,
because though my problems may seem minimal,
they're the worst problems I've ever had to deal with.
So to compare my struggle with others,
by saying, "you haven't had it that bad",
is also saying, "you haven't had it that good, because others have it better".
Yet I know I've had both good and bad,
it's just hard to live in the good when the bad lingers.


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