I am cursed, cursed to be who I am.
What am I?
Listen and maybe you’ll see.
I am a light shining on your shadow.
I am a wall that you can’t break.
But I am in the background so you just ignore me.
I mean no harm. But you wish I did so you could have an explicable reason for hating me.
I am neither positive nor negative.
I am just…there.
How you wish I were one or the other!
But that is not what I am.
I am SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!
I am (silence...)
How you wish I were just idle chatter!
But that is not what I am.
I am thought…yet you don’t want to hear a conclusion.
That is not what I am
To you.
You see the tears I’ve cried.
But that is not what I am.
I can’t control what is uncontrollable.
That is not what I am.
I am serenity in the brokenness. But you’re reaching for the knife again
To take a stab at being infectious.
That is what you are.
My heart is in my palm but you would rather I bleed.
I am a note in a song you heard on the radio.
I am a crushed bean in the coffee you sip.
I am a handrail you hold in the terminals you walk through
Every now and then
I tease your senses once
Yet no more.
Because I am dead
To you.