Shooting Star
Reach out your hand,
Further into the night sky,
Crawl out of that hole,
and look to the Heavens,
Do not be afraid-
Look Friend, did see that shooting star?
Did You try take it and hold it?
It slipped away didnt it?
It has gone, my friend,
Perhaps now into another Galaxy,
Maybe it will come back round,
Maybe it won't-
But the Moon~
It is always there,
It always has Stars,
Peace and be still,
Those Stars are bright and clear,
But only when You see,
And realize that You must find the one,
Shooting into your Galaxy,
The Moon is brighter than the sun,
Go for the Moon and you will find stars,
Maybe you will find a Shooting Star,
A Shooting Star only You can hold,
that will be still,
Then You will find peace,
Then You will find peace,
My Friend, You were so close,
The timing was bad,
You barely let it slip,
The Star will have a part of You,
It will know You,
You have left an impression on it
for the rest of it's existance-
Do not fear,
Do not doubt,
The Moon always Loves,
The Stars are there,
Shine, so that the world may know You,
Shine so that You may be bright like the Moon,
My Friend, so much will happen,
It will break your heart,
It may ruin You,
But do not stop reaching your hands up to the Heavens,
For the Skies, the Stars, and the Universe,
They all count on your lifting arms,
So my friend,
Although the Shooting Star is Gone,
You will still be,
I only hope that when You see
my Shooting Star,
The one I found,
You will know,
That this is my choice,
I reached out,
And I held it firmly~