Shooting Star
May 25, 2016 at 10:00 PM
After Christmas you disappeared
As if your existence had been
Wiped off the face of the earth
But you were still here
Late April you decided to be reborn
And introduce the “new you”
You said sorry for not calling
Because you didn’t want me to get attached
Except the joke is on you
Because the day you said: “Hello”
Was the day the seams were already being sewn
You knew exactly as to what was happening
And you did absolutely nothing
You let me fall into the nothingness
With a hope that you’d be at the bottom to catch me
But you were nowhere in sight
And you let me crash
You let your shooting star
Crash and burn
Until she was nothing
I was once your shooting star
Because you made the wish
And I came true
And I thought it was fate
Since I wished for you too
As a child,
When a shooting star appears
One is told to make a wish and never tell
And later everything will soon come true
But they fail to tell you what a shooting star truly is
A shooting star is nothing but a comet
A rock falling down to earth
But given the speed it is traveling
It burns up within the atmosphere first
And maybe you already knew that
And that’s the reason why you weren’t
There to catch me
Because you knew I’d end up as nothing
And this ‘new you’ was never new
You were you all along
And I wished on the wrong shooting star.