"She's No Good"
She sat alone on a sidewalk almost as dirty as her, in a city almost as dangerous to watch the boys skate
With their profanities and perverted jokes, she was hooked
With her long hair covering her ice blue eyes she looked, and watched and stared
She did not dare say a word, she was scared she would be lured into a world where she did not belong
It was all a fantasy, kissing the sweaty guy in the cut offs
Feeling the lean dark boy with dread locks
One day they looked at her and smirked with naughty intentions
She was looking for attention, not redemption, so she smiled back, giving in to exception
They asked her what she was doing there, sitting on the curb
While they puffed out smoke holding bags of green herb and passed her a joint
Insisting that the feeling she would get would not disappoint
So she held the blunt up to her mouth and inhaled the smoke and as it went south so did her problems
And when ever she had any she knew how to solve them and she had a lot of em
So everyday she began her journey down to the city
Where the boys would pass her joints and make her feel pretty
And she would kiss the gritty welcoming committee that soon became family
She thought she might be going crazy and might be falling in love
With the lanky guy who hangs with the felons and thugs
But can still knows how to give her long tight hugs
And grow up with out a father but still rise above
And kiss her in public and not give a fuck
Because he knows finding a girl like her isn’t just good luck, its fate
But a girl like her is hard to contain she is too wild and free and independent to constrain
She told him this is but he would whisper in her ear that it would all be all right
That he wouldn’t give her up with out putting up a fight
And he did he fought with all his might
But you cannot trap a bird trying to take flight
So in the end he lost and she was out of site flying in the sky into the night
She flew alone in the ocean of darkness almost as empty as her
In a world almost as mysterious