She's A Girl
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Long before humans walked this world a lone maiden
float through space singng her songs of joy and
love. But this girl was alone and she grew bored
of singing her songs to nothing and no one so
she took on the role of goddess and crafted from
her colorful clothes the plants, animals, sun, and stars
but the animals could only sing back in a laungauge that
to her was unknown so out of her flesh she created
us to forever entertain her with our tongues.
She seeks not to be worshipped or even feared, she
only longs for companionship with us, who because
we came from her, are her children. To please her is
easy. Look up towards her vast blue skies and sing to her
your hearts thougts.
Her spirit lives in us just as her flesh covers us.
You need not look to far to see her spirit within you.
Your body as a whole was shaped to look like her
Your tounge moves to speak her launguage.
Your muscles move so you may dance with her.
Your eyes hold the color of the cloth that she used to
make the animals - your lesser kin. Every detail your
body holds: freckles, acne, moles, and lines. All abnormality
is her way of showing you pleased her greatly.
Never punish your children with solitude, for
surely they will go mad. And mad is only a
blessing to the goddess who traps your child
in his or her mind to sing for her.
The goddess is kind and light-hearted.
A girl gallant and free, much like one would
meet in a dream.