She Shone
She Shone Poem Tear blinded eyes Get fried by the dying sun It screams at her to run And to turn the left at the crossroads Because right isn't always right Light beams through the trees as she runs down the left path She hath seen no darkness on this path Only grey sheltered clouds subdued by strains of light Her pain diminished as time went on She passed what she made out to be animals Each one had more spots than the last And she passed by many because she ran fast Everyday that she made it through was truly a test Sometimes the tests proved to be really difficult But she persisted. On and on she went Into the night Through the dark with no light Into the bright morning sky She no longer feels shy She had time to think during the night Because all the world’s fighting was put to rest Not long, but enough for her to think. Think, predict, and create She shone the brightest in the night. She illuminated the sky but in the form of stars They shone through the heaviest of clouds She felt proudest during the night Because no one else was up to approve what she had done except herself She liked the darkness because she was never dark A light was never switched as she shone. She was prone to the injustice of the world But knew life could not continue this way. So the cord was broken. And she shone. She shone bright and made her duty for this fact to be was known.