She Loves You


I know you’ve been hurt. So you close your heart not letting anyone in. Or you don’t let anyone know how you’re feeling so no one can win. Every person claims to be different, but how can you be different by being the same? Human. We make mistakes, and we get scared. But why live life scared when the people you are scared of are just like you. Fool. Don’t let fear interfere with your life. Because when she comes a long she may be the right... One. The one who makes promises that she’ll forever keep. The one that you love so much, it makes you weak.  Simple.  It’s not difficult if you don’t look at in a literal since but a physical since. Soft brown skin, lips pink as the inside of grapefruit, legs long and smooth, and hair dark as the inside of your cold heart. She’s not the most beautiful girl in the world, but, she loves you. But you won’t open up to her. Because you were once hurt. But she loves you. So when you brush her off and pretend not to care, she’s still there making sure you are okay. And when you yell while she is trying to find out why you are so down, because you won’t let her know why you won’t come around. But she loves you. And you always wonder why, no matter. She is always doing stuff for you, trying to make you happy. But all you can do is think about the hurt you feel. So you lie, you cheat, and you sleep with other women because no matter what she does to try and prove to you that she is different than the last. You only laugh. Disrespecting her, using her for sex trying to get it out of her, because she won’t give it to you but she wants to because. She loves you. But she is also scared because she is hurt. A man she once loved took her body, then through it away when he was done. Leaving her heart crumbled and abused. But despite of that news, she is still here. Because, she loves you. Maybe you can open up your eyes to see she could be the girl that you need. No, because even though, she loves you. You only love you.


Grant-Grey Porter Hawk Guda

Powerful expression! 

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