She is Free


United States
46° 47' 47.8104" N, 67° 51' 7.9488" W

The room is silent, all eyes are on the individual at the altar,
she stands there shaking slightly, praying her voice won’t falter,
glancing up from her papers to look at the crowd sitting before her,
she takes a steady breath, soon words form deep within her soul,
words she fought to keep secret, words no man would ever hear,
words no individual would ever know, only the moon at night would hear her,
hear her muffled cries,
as years pass by she seeks for a guiding light,
she fights against the enemy to be free, and she is filled with new hope,
she is free, no longer caught in the enemy’s snares, or believes his lies,
she looks down from the altar and folds the wrinkled papers,
while exiting the altar, she also leaves her past behind no longer captive by it.



I wrote this poem because I have always been very inspired by the testimonies I had heard people share. Testimonies about abuse, or harassment. People explaining how life has dealt them a terrible hand but they push through and keep fighting for a better life. This is in an odd way my testimony.


I wrote this poem because I have always been very inspired by the testimonies I had heard people share. Testimonies about abuse, or harassment. People explaining how life has dealt them a terrible hand but they push through and keep fighting for a better life. This is in an odd way my testimony.

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