She and Me
Do you see me? That cheerleader under the Friday night lights cheering her heart out?
The one that always seems like she has a lot to talk about
Do you see me? The girl that will dance even if no one is there
The one that’s always in the mirror fixing makeup, clothes, and hair
Yeah you see me, but do you see her
The one that wants to be invisible, the one that’s scared of being hurt
That humorous person that you see, merely a defense mechanism
Yeah the car looks nice from the outside but you haven’t seen the engine
If you really knew her, you’d know that She’s not perfect
I only have one life to live but She just hopes that all of this pain is worth it
You didn’t see in her room, locked in and crying
You seen me with my head held high like the sun was always shining
This facade that I have going sometimes worries She
But as i tell her thoughts to pipe down I realize the She is really me
But how can She be I? When only my reflection is in the mirror
guess I was standing too close to the camera to see the bigger picture
Maybe i just got caught up in me in eyes of others
But what i should've been concentrated on was who was She in the eyes of the beholder
She is not me, There is no possible way
She needs to move over a little She is standing in my way
She’s different, She’s emotional, She doesn’t quite fit in
She’s goofy, love’s too easily, there’s no way She’s my twin
MOVE OVER girl I screamed
but her mouth was moving too, saying the same words it seemed
I turned my back and tried to ignore her
but when i finally glanced back I seen her too looking over her shoulder
It’s me, it’s I, there is no room for She here
She get’s discouraged, She’s timid, She’s in the way of my mirror
But she is my mirror, my double, my copy
She is what should actually be seen, the soul inside the body
but I’m scared to show off She
everyone’s not used to her, they’re only used to me
What if she can’t pull it off, what if She can’t make any friends
I just couldn’t bare it, She being alone and not fitting in
I don’t want to be her, She’s so easy to be hurt
She’s so easy to be broken, She’d rather be quiet than outspoken
I always have to be perfect, at least to people’s eyes it seems
But She can just chill and lay back, maybe there is benefits to being She
oh how I wish sometimes that I could be the same
but can’t I? After all I is She, same person, different name.