She and I
For many, it’s just words on a page
Held there by the writer’s will
Yes, it is words on a page
Whether in a rhyme or not
Well that’s up to the one that writes
But it’s so much more
To this lost girl
Who was shy beyond reason
Lost in conflicting emotion
The paper was her shelter whenever the sky seemed to be falling
The pencil her sword to battle the darkness
The words were her raft in the coming storms
She wrote about the world through her perspective
No matter how gloomy that turned out to be sometimes
She wrote and she wrote whenever she felt unrest
The stars are a witness to this
Pages and pages of words that inspired feeling
Had double meaning
Could be sung
Let you see a glimpse of who she was
Who she is
Words that would let you in
Give you the key to her world
Kick you out
And words in an order that made absolutely no sense
Except to her
She never wrote to be seen
But to discover who she was
It started out as a way to cope with the ever changing world and her wandering mind
But in the process she discovered her heart
She discovered herself
The good and the bad
And whenever there seemed to be
more bad than good
More dark than light
she put her pencil to paper and wrote without thought
To figure what to make of it all
in the process, she reflected the light
And she and I are one
Still writing
still discovering myself along with the world
But my paper is no longer a shelter for just myself
I'm hoping to teach others how to wield their own pencils
And not be afraid to brave the storm with the right words
This has become part of myself
It’s forever entwined with my soul.