She was awoken from her sleep
by a loud weep
something like a cry
yep , all night she wondered why
The next morning she awoke
thinking it was all a dream
until she heard the same weep
kinda like a scream
She ran into her parents room
the only ones who could keep her safe
she thought all was well until she seen her mothers face
Her mouth now agape, while
she could feel her mothers sking ache
She didn't know who did this to her and why
until she seen the man in the corner of her eye
The man she grew to love but now wanted to hate
the same man who said she was hiis princess and forbid her to date
She knew him as caring ,nice, and legit
never the one to dare hit
she looked into his eyes, only to see a man she soon despised
meaning this whole time he wore a disguise
a disguise, yep, on top he was the hiyiana
under, a women beater at its finest
she had no choice but to do what was best
she had to put an end to these endless threats
she ran into her brothers room
and found that toy that he said was for boys
she could hear loud footsteps
she did the only thing she seen outside daily
soon the door flew open and there he stood
his hands shot up
shaking like a little
boy who didnt belong in this neighborhood
she cocked her gun ready to play
contimplating wether she wanted it
to be his last day