Shattered Mirror Pieces
Everyone tells me how
beautiful I am, and yet
I don't see none of it.
All I see is a hopeful
girl holding on to false
promises and dreams.
They gather around a
camera and pose with
perfection and no flaws.
I sit back and ponder
on my flawful beauty
while holding back tears.
Why can't I see what they see?
Why doesn't my beauty shine?
How can I feel beautiful if I don't believe I am?
Maybe if I look hard
enough, I'll see it too.
I just have to try.
There's a girl on the
other side of the mirror
starring at me; who is she?
When I look left, she
looks left. When I look
right, she looks right.
This girl can see the true
me. She can see through
my act of self confidence.
I stare back and see a
monster, but the girl sees
a queen who lost her crown.
I frown, bust she smiles
then reaches her hand
out to wipe off my tears.
She told me that this
act I put on is my way
of feeling unnoticed.
But she lifted up my
chin and said, "I don't
want you to feel unnoticed.
"I want you to be seen
from miles away." I gave a
mugged looked and asked,
"How can I do that? I'm
not pretty enough. I'm
no model or actress."
She smiled once more
and said, "No, but you're
much better. You know how?"
I shook my head, and she replied
with "You're a goddess. And all
goddesses are perfect and gorgeous.
"It doesn't matter how different you
are, or how similar you wish you were.
You're a goddess, so start acting like one.
"These advertisement on television
only deliver a portion of the truth: Health
is important, but confidence is everything."
The girl disappeared, and for the first time
I saw my reflection. But I saw the true me:
The Goddess of Love, Passion, Beauty and Confidence.
I saw me.