Shalom and Salam


United States
41° 37' 24.8916" N, 72° 39' 2.1456" W

Shalom and Salam, so close to pronounce; such similar sound
But these words won't be spoken on Giza's "Hallowed" ground
No side will be no happy no feeling of peace
If both bloody the other for a strip of the middle east

Bombs shatter innocent lives
As picks break and shatter ice
Israel spitting out fiery rebuttals
As Hamas shoots their rocket shuttles

Families scattered
Rocket shells shattered
Relying on Torah to cover the blood
As comrades die lying in the mud

Shalom and Salam what wonderful noise
Shalom and Salam, should be the choice


MVP-Most Valuable Poet

wow is all i have to say

very emphatic in how this poem was conveyed

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