Having a crush will typically usher lighthearted feelings
Yet I dread the possibility of fading from your memory
like a rose that withers a little too fast
though can simply be replaced with a disparate beautiful flower
“Does he like you back?”
I am asked
“He might have no feelings for you”
I am told
But my heart has no objections, it will flutter
everytime you call out my name
If truth be told
I hold dear every moment we spend together
Nothing has to come about
for me to be left with a smile on my face
All my worries suddenly become non existent
and your laughter reassures me
that I can confront my anxious thoughts
So I beg your doe eyes to stop gazing
into mine in a way that suggests
deep down they hold a secret
It only feeds my optimism
which murmurs to me “what if”
In the end
all I need is a promise
that tomorrow we’ll meet again
because I’ll keep looking forward to the day
where without a doubt we are still friends
but perhaps you’ll see me in a new light