Self-Portrait as a Mountain I Do Not Intend to Climb
Perhaps this was the way it was always supposed to be
Me at the bottom, the very last ladder rung
and everyone else looming above
scrambling in that
Good Employee Race
Happy Family Race
Fulfilled Hobbies Race
Sweaty Gym Race
Rat Rat Race
Each rung teeming with
thousands of grey bodies.
(how life a few rungs up was,
i remember,
little rat
scrambling up
to the next shiniest thing)
I’m so low, so
uninspiring and lacking
in accomplishment
A cockroach
every child must leap over
like hopscotch
I smile and wave
The kids always wave back
The parents always turn their heads away.
I have no kids of my own to smile at
No money and no job either
No real taste for lifting weights or painting,
the violin or stocks or woodwork
No great work to justify my existence,
not a single Magnum Opus
to hang heavy from my neck
I eat take-out every day
the styrofoam containers
pushes the dust off my desk
Curry drips from my fingers,
barbeque sauce pools in my lap
and my mouth is smeared
with custard and chocolate.
(they drop dry pellets
from the ladder top
they taste of
apathy’s bitter tang)
Some days I venture outside,
much to my neighbors’ horror
tea mug in hand
Warmed like the sun’s beams
that golden light
grows my bones out
like roots, sticking me into the ground
I throw the mug
against a mossy tree
The ceramic shatters, and I
sever my roots from the soil.
I walk to the highway
stick a tongue and thumb out
hum a few tunes
and do a little tap dance for
the oncoming motorists
but no one will stop for me
They’re all driving
too fast.
(up up up
climb climb climb
higher higher higher)
I stay, perfectly stranded
by the roadside
until the Devil stops for me
in his Great Black Train
Care to ride?
He asks
I shrug
Maybe later.
He raises an eyebrow
You have something to do?
I check my bare wrist
I still have time.
A trucker stops next,
woman with a grey mop for hair
and night sky for a mouth
She asks, holding out a hand
We dance onto the freeway
until someone tows her truck
She watches it go,
does one more dance to
the symphony of horns
then bids me adieu.
(slip slip slip
the world is entirely
above me now
but i’m smiling
There’s a Greyhound station nearby
I walk to it barefoot, the soles of my feet
melting into hot asphalt
I hop on
and grab change from my jeans
counting out quarters for half-an-hour
until the bus driver sighs
and waves me on
I walk to the very back
and sit, head against the window
A passenger, thankful for the ride.