self motivation


United States
45° 40' 34.5828" N, 122° 39' 25.488" W

Take a look in the mirror and you will see,
you are more beautiful than you even think.
Look deep inside your soul and you will find,
a love and compassion that is one of a kind.
Hold your head high and be proud of who you are,
Cuz you are beyond amazing and that will take you far.
Don't ever stop reaching for the sky.
One day you will be able to take off and fly.
Soar high above the rain and the clouds,
Don't ever be afraid to ever look down.
Be humble of where you started
and don't take anything for granted
Be thankful for what you have and who you are.
You are amazing and no one can compare,
Just remember it was you who brought you there.


MVP-Most Valuable Poet

your title of your poem spoke in high volume
this is a motivational piece
continue to inspire for greatness
keep writing

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