Self Harm
*Before you read this poem I wanted to add a trigger warning. This poem is about self-harming. If things like that bother you then do not read this poem.*
I sat there and stared
How could this happen?
I was so careful
I gently laid my arm on my thigh
I silently and slowly look down to see the blood dripping
That's all I could hear
I sat there
My mind blank
My heart racing
Lost in thought
I felt a sudden jerk
My mind came back to reality
I wiped the tears
I flushed the bloody tissues down the toilet
I grabbed the razor from the sink and quickly ran the water
I watch the blood was down the drain
I splashed some water in my face
I pulled down my sleeves
I slowly unlock the bathroom door
Lily was a foot or two away from the door
"Alison, what took you so long?"
"Nothing," I reply "I don't feel so well...I'm going to do lay down"
I silently turn away and walk to my room
I felt a cold shiver run down my spine
As I lift my sleeve to see what I have done
I fall to the ground
I cried and died a little inside
I just wanted the pain to stop
I never meant to start hurting myself
It just happened and now I can't stop...