by Michelle
Late evenings spent studying, laced with caffeine
The latter half of that night spent in bed, pondering
How the stranger in the mirror looks so different, so grown
A long way from the girl who was too scared to say 'no'
It began with an open door, the open door to lies
Seeped into truth faster than smoke fills the sky
They dictated, ruled, rated, reinstated what was wrong
Plagued by fear and facade, Invisible my theme song
Jailed by opinions, chained down in handcuffs
Spent too long on the ground, today I'm getting up
Election of '16, no shock but surprise
As a youth, life in PDX opened my eyes
My brothers and sisters of color are the same as myself
We are all worth something, answer the call for help
Transition isn't overnight, like all good things it takes time
But as for 'what ifs' and clouds of doubt, simply leave them behind
And I'll never conform to what society sells
Because the best thing I can be is the best version of myself
Late evenings spent reading, now fueled by green tea
The latter half of that night spent in bed, deep dreaming
How far I've come along the road to success
And how proud I am to say that I have no regrets