Searching for Light
Many men have goals in life they want to complete.
Worthy goals ever man should strive to meet.
To live in a million dollar house with a trophy wife,
To be a doctor and have the ability to save a life.
But not me.
For you see,
I threw away my happiness somewhere in the past.
Probably in eleventh grade when everything moved too fast.
My goal in life isn’t to become a mathematician or physicist with wealth beyond belief,
Or to serve my country and aid the military with relief.
This is what many of you believe,
But you have only been deceived.
You see, my happiness went astray one day,
And with it I lost the will to live and stay.
But hopefully this will change,
For I intend to regain the happiness I flung so carelessly away.
This is my goal in life:
To be happy once again before I go and die.