Se7en: Ways to Say


Solomon Islands

Ich liebe dich
Words unspoken, and at times, words said within the moment without meaning
It is told to express what is in your heart, to grasp that tightness in your veins and therefore feel-
But what if you are heartless? Uncaring?
A sociopathic being that acknowledges little for its existence… 
Their needs, their wants, their simple requests
A single promise to uphold; a binding contract intertwined by a precious construct that was carelessly broken
A valuable marble chipped, evoking a spider web like interweavement of destruction
The fine print of trust, erased in an instant
Perceptions, remodeled from the same marble that has been corrupted to ash
Ich bedaure!

Asko maite zaitut
Look into a mirror and ask whom is it that makes things clear as diamonds like those that should rest on the grace of their gentle chest
As clear as the sunlight striking the arc of their iris that which makes it twinkle so elegantly,
As pure as the afternoon breeze just barely touching the softness of their skin, 
Enough to send chills of pleasure up and down their spine, just enough to make them smile
You see nothing, you are nothing; for it is through this mirror all that can be seen is the empty abyss that their presence sealed away, 
A presence so precious to he...gone?
An emptiness he so solemnly swore to avoid- he has fallen

Naku penda
Rise up! A single promise more
First chance gone, 
Second chance over, 
Third chance questionable
A seed of doubt has been bestowed upon him that which he wishes to erase
Momentarily forgotten to gain back what was lost, rebuild what was shattered;
To reconstruct something more beautiful and enduring than that which was held by such a delicate script of tongue
A masterpiece that establishes the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to one’s own; his own for their own

Seni seviyorum
Heartless, possibly…
Uncaring towards thee? 
Till death do they part, forever and always together shall be
None but he shall destroy that which has been stated, again promised
Perfection is they as the mirror reveals, but through the abyss is his laced abstracts which is not of art, but of utter disgrace
The steps and decisions made have led to a notation of ill birth against all that has been shared
A development in which he is perceived as a beast…
Özür dilerim!

Je t'aime
True in many aspects of the word; but if I a beast, than what monster lies waiting in sorrow to heal what has been broken? Stares aimlessly into a light that shall never again be lit? Forfeits all nourishment, for her sustenance? 
Every night a tear shed, and every morning a dream died
To long waited has developed into an even greater loss 
To sacrifice all is his will in order to carry on a loss pledged to never let go 
His selfish ignorance has forbid him to confront such an offer, yet
Their comfort, their happiness, her faith is worth that
If only it were to be accepted

Te quiro
There is no other that shall swim in the pool of the mirror that has trapped the heart from its rippling melody
It too, like that which bonded it, is crumbling against the pressure of …
It was she that broke it, but it was he that instigated such an unfathomable pain
Past his sorrow, 
His regret, 
Its only her words that can mend the displacement to which the heart is once more able beat
Every word said, is every word meant, for it is feeling that supports each and every syllable, phrase and sentence
Lo siento!

I Love You, I’m Sorry



With many ways to say three "simple" words, it still impresses me how difficult it is to say them. Negatively and positevely 

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