
You reopen all the wounds
I've worked so hard to keep sewn shut
You reach down to my very core
And take out all the good in me
A shell is what I am now
Fragile and cracking, nothing left inside
But pain that numbs me to happiness
A small smile on my face to look alive
But if you looked in my eyes 
Maybe you'd see that I'm dead
For so long now the light has been turned off
The spark gone
This darkness keeps growing and growing
Taking over my composure
I have turned from my greener grass
To dead, brown, and barren lands...
I've let you have the power
But I'm taking it back home
Rekindle my own fire
Turn the light back on
My Happiness will numb me to the pain you've caused in me
Once I take back control...
My smile will no longer be a cover up
But a genuine reflection of my soul
I will be branded with these scars
But they will NEVER be open again


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