
Thu, 04/01/2021 - 12:28 -- Theboy

I knew I was screwed when I got butterflies the first time we talked. when my knees got weak

 and I couldn't gather my thoughts. 

As I rambled a bunch of nonsense and you just smiled as I talked. 

You held onto every word like it was the last time we would talk.

 I need you like the ocean needs the moon

 our late night zoomes that cured my blues.

 I can't help but smile every time you do. 

My heart sinks every time you say the words I love you.

 Those words mean  so much but only from you. 

Because I know when you say it it's true. 

But guess what baby i love you to

286 miles seems so far.

But baby i'll be there when your days get dark

When there is tears in your eyes 

And pain in your heart.

I'll be there no matter how far apart.

Because no matter what you'll be right in my heart.

If only you were as close as the map says you are just a few inches. 

But baby don't give up me

Because i won't give up on you.

I see my future in your eyes.

I wish i knew it back then but i know it now.

You were made for me and I was made for you.

Puzzle pieces don't fit together like we do.

Baby id stand under the ulter and say i do.

I cant see my life with anyone but you 

I'd swim in the ocean if it meant I could be with you.

I'd carry a mountain if you asked me to

 baby there's not a single thing I wouldn't do for you.

I'll give you all the best of me.

You deserve the world and I'll give it to you. 

I've fallen asleep to the thought of you so many times that baby even my pillow fell in love with you.

The distance can keep you out of my bed but not out of my dreams.

I'd do anything to shorten the distance between.

If it meant I could just hold you.

Wherever you are is where I want to be.

But until that day you'll be in my dreams.

I'd wait 1000 years if I hand to

  because you're worth every second it would take to get to you.

The thought of being with you gets me through my day.

 The distance is great but so is our love.

If you saw yourself the way i see you you would know how my love could never fade.

You're the match that sparked up my light.

You brought the day into the night.

Talking to you just feels so right 

Hours go by in the blink of an eye.

You say hello then goodnight.

I can't help but wonder where the time went.

Venting about our day

 the dumb convos we wont rember the next 

But i swar thos dumb convos make my day.

Even silence is perfect with you.

It was fate we meet the stars were perfectly in line

7 billion people in this world

 and your heart meets mine.

I can't hide how I feel , that wouldn't be right.

Honestly I would rather die.

I hold my pillow close to me 

So our love carries on in my dreams.

When you stay awake as a drift asleep

Is the only time I feel at peace.

On nights when silence takes over the dark listen closely you'll hear my heart. 

I see the stars in your eyes like gems they shine.

I can't help but wonder why god made you so fine.

I hope one day to say damn that's mine when I wake up every morning by your side.

To never have to say goodbye just good morning sunshine

To wake up every morning to the sound of your laugh brings up memories from our pasts. 

Reminiscing on the times we had.

I'll remember the little this she thighs that mean the most

The way your eyes light up when you smile

The way you would laugh at my dumb jokes.

The way you would drink water and randomly choke

The way you would look at me right before i fell asleep

Or how you would rant about your dreams 

The way you try to explain everything to me.

The way you wont judge me because you see me 

I'll be the warrior that fights for our love.

I'll take the pain to me there no stranger.

You'll be the queen in the kingdom of my heart

I'll be the king so we're never apart.

Because you make me laugh when I want to cry.

You make me want to live when I would rather just die.

You turned my life upside down 

You believed in me when no one elx did.

You are my now. My is, my was,

When you call me baby I can't help but blush.

I wish you were here so i could feel your touch 

To hear my name flow from your lips.

To get from you just one kiss.

I love you for your emotions the ones i lack 

I love you for trusting me just like that

I love you for the thought of me being always on your mind

I love you for finding the parts of me i never thought i would find 

I love you for who you are my baby my sunshine. 

I won't waste time making you mine.

I'll always be by your side 

I lay in bed with you on my mind

Spending hours of my time 

My smile so bright 

And drift asleep with you on my mind




this poem is about someone who means the world to me she was there when my life was realy dark she is the bet thing that could have ever happen to me she is the only person that i could see myself with for the rest of my life with i am so grateful to have her in my life and i cant wait to see what life brings us next this is my first time popstiong any of my poems because i was always afraid of what peopel might think or say but she gives me the confidents to post how i feel wich is why i maid this the first poem i have ever posted because she is the reason i have the stragth to post my poem 


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