Run Rhino Run
Run Rhino Run
Let your thundering stomp
reverberate among the mountains
Echoing your heartbeat
like an angry African drum
Run, run far from the plunder
Or perish and be torn asunder.
Run, run, far from the stone hearted men with their rifles and guns.
Run. Run, runaway, run-away far, Across the Savannah,
beyond the furthest peaks and crags
Beyond the far-flung
valleys and the hills
Far from the stench of money
Away from human sins and ills
They daily come to plague you,
ache you, hunt you, haunt you,
taunt you, daunt you,
Run Run away ,surely you want to
Far far from those whose deeply frozen hearts
Measure your value by your body parts,
And in their gain
subsisting in your pain,
They know not that they
sell themselves,
their souls are sold,
Only For your horn. more prized than gold.
Run, Rhino Run !!
Flee far away,
Run far beyond the furthest hills.
There are greener fields in which to play,
Run to where no human greed,can ever leave you so
to die alone
And slowly bleed,
Run to where your calf can roam,
Far from any human home
Run to where humanUNkind
Is the furthest from your mind.
Run run far, fly, flee , far
From this world,
Run, far away, far from these greedy men,
Fly to the stars,to the immortal realm from whence
Your timeless spirit came,
And never-ever look back again